Yeah, so I always have good intentions of having interesting stuff to share and updating my blog, but here I am a long long time from my last post. So anywhere here is a hodge-podge chunk of stuff starting with what got me looking around and remembering this blog prompting this useless post:
XBox!! For Christmas my wife got me (and the kids and her) a XBox 360 S with Kinect. Something I had been wanting but kept putting off getting to where I had finally been content with not having one so it was a big surprise. We've been having a lot of fun with it. Got Halo Reach from Gamefly and the kids were instantly addicted (to me slaying them unmercifully).
I was ready for something new from Gamefly so I picked up Halo 3 used for $10 so satisfy the addiction. We busted through the rest of the Reach campaign, I played part solo and the other part with the boys rotating on co-op split screen. I will say that I think Halo 3 does seem old after playing Reach but it is very good from the little we've played it.
Last night I also finished off Mafia 2, its a whole story on its own on how I ended up getting this game but it was a lot of fun. It took me a bit to get through because it is definitely a in the play-after-the-kids-go-to-bed genre and I wasn't that dedicated. Felt like I was playing a good movie, although I guess the big knock on it is that there is no real exploration in the game. Not to give too many spoilers but I was disappointed in the ending but I was down to a few different things that I thought would happen and this was somewhat on the list.
So now I feel game-less until Gamefly sends me something new. We have plenty to play just nothing similar to Mafia 2 that I really want to play alone. Time for me to guilt some friends into Gameflying me some oldies but goodies or pick up something on the cheap.
Oh yeah, The other recent news is that I took over running This is a site/community that I have been using for quite a while and the owner was going to let it die. He agreed to let me take over the hosting cost and control of the site so I'm dabbling in webmaster now I guess. Not something to make money on just hated to see it die. Hoping to having some time to devote to it so update the layout and get the content to be more user driven since we have a very good group on the forums. We'll see how it goes.
Until next year ... lol.
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