Friday, July 28, 2017

Minecraft Trollcraft working on Linux

So the kids are somewhat addicted to Minecraft. What that means for me is that from time to time I get asked to get some mod downloaded, something working that is broken, why can't I connected, etc etc. The latest was today getting Trollcraft working from the ATLauncher on our Linux Mint box. MCEF / JCEF was failing, it took a while but ended up figuring it out by poking through the source code and I found a file that looks like it tries to patch linux that gave the biggest hints. Anyway, to fix your Trollcraft (or probably anything that uses MCEF) you can copy 3 files to your java_home/bin folder (For me that was /opt/java/64/jre_xx/bin) Files to copy are: icudtl.dat natives_blob.bin snapshot_blob.bin and they should be available in /Instances/Trollcraft/ Hope this helps someone else get it rolling for them as well.

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