Friday, August 7, 2009

Learning more about AFD on XP than I ever cared to

Not that I really learned anything, but I have spent the last week trying to fix my wife's computer cause she had gotten some nasty viruses at some point and I finally decided to clean it up. Being too lazy to clean up enough space on other computers to copy over all the pictures and stuff that are on there I decided not to reimage it. With the help of some great posts over at I used my laptop to download about 10 or so different tools to scan, clean, and delete my way to an XP that I am not afraid to plug into my network and one that isn't spamming the world and having my ISP lock my connection down (it happened, no joke). Btw, Symantec, at least the version I had, never did a damn thing from what I could tell. Piece of bloated crap, IMO.

So the cleaning posts were easy enough to get through, system's clean, booting and running much faster but network doesn't look so hot. Device manager shows NIC driver corrupt or not installed properly and that's where my fun really began. After hours of searching and goofing with stuff I get the network card recognized and it seemed to have very little to do with the actually NIC drivers, thanks Device Manager messages. I can't even recall what actually got it satisfied cause I tried so many different things. But network still not working ... lovely.

AFD: You can find nearly anything you want on the internet. It's really amazing at how much information is out there, it might take a while to find it but there is normally someone, somewhere, that has posted about what you need or something similar. Not so much (that I could find) with freakin' AFD. AFD is a non-plug and play device that shows up on Device Manager when you tell it to show hidden. No wait, that's true, but it seems it's actually a XP Service. Oh wait, it is and starts that way but it's not actually on the Services list ... But pretty much every networking service has it as a dependency. DON'T uninstall the AFD device thinking there will be a way to re-install it. Also, make sure you have System Restore on :-).

So my AFD is failing to start cause something along the lines of "path not found." Google search it and find many many dead ends and a few very helpful posts. If I were a good blogger I'd have some links but guess what, I don't.

So I was stuck at a point with a machine that said the network was connected but didn't work. Ipconfig returned basically nothing. Connection details didn't really show any errors but everything was blank from the IP to the DNS. Device Manager was only complaining about AFD being corrupt or not properly installed. My System events were showing that the AFD service was failing to start and thus most network stuff was too.

Post is getting way too long so let me lessen my windedness. There is no way (once again that I could find) to reinstall AFD and basically no help or information on it from MS. I found several places that people were having similar issues but they most always ended in dead threads with no success posted. Here's what I'd recommend for anyone that might find this:

This got me to a point where I was getting an IP but no DNS or working connection:
For these commands, Start, Run, CMD to open a command prompt.

Make sure you have afd.sys in your C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder and msafd.dll in System32. Copy them from a good XP machine (with a thumb drive) or they might work from \i386 or Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386.

Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog
Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ip reset reset.log
Reboot the machine.

Then I took my laptop with XP on it and searched through the registry for AFD and make the bad computer's registry match. The important keys are: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\Legacy_AFD

Mine was complaining about a registry path not being found. Something was pointing at a GUID\0000 instead of 0001. Another idea is to download Process Monitor. Run it, turn capture off, clear list. Open a Dos prompt and type in sc start afd but don't run it yet. Click start capture on Process Monitor, the switch over and hit enter in your dos prompt. Once AFD fails stop capture. Process Monitor will track an overwhelming amount of stuff but start sifting through there to see what is failing. That is how I finally saw AFD looking for something in the registry that wasn't there.

Wow, I suck at blogging so there is a wall of text to try to help someone that might come across what I did, but I hope no one else ever does. That last paragraph could seemingly work for troubleshooting other service start failures.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

10 lbs

Have lost 10 lbs as of this morning. Here's hoping it wasn't a fluke and keeps coming off.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Weight Loss

Well Saturday morning marked the first week with Healthy Trim and I was down to 239. Was being the key word, weekend was bad and I was back up to 241 this morning. But its cool, I'll keep going and posting.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Need some investors!

Ready to open a business, should be fun. Well by "ready" I mean found something I think is interesting but I don't have any money. Man I need some filthy rich friends, wonder if I could convince a bank to loan me a few mil?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Don't freak out, this post is lame.

This is to help me remember not really for my entire following of 1. By recommendation from a friend and because I really need some help losing weight, I started Healthy Trim on Sat July 4, like that date should be hard to remember. But anyway, I was 245. I was 242.5 this morning and I was shocked cause I had a pop yesterday with dinner and I ate, what felt like, an ass ton of peanuts while catching up on golf last night.

I'd probably be much heavier right now since I have drank about 4 lbs of water so far this morning, but wish me luck in continuing this trend.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Big Break: Prince Edward Island - Brian was such a tool

Ok, so obviously I haven't posted anything in a long time. An obviously I was never good at this, and not like anyone really reads it but here goes.

Big Break on the Golf Channel is one of the shows that I DVR and watch regularly. Final just aired, grats Derek. So I was looking around today and came across a blog that interviewed the contestants after the shows aired and here is the main topic.

Brian is a huge tool. Douche, d-bag, blowhard, f-nut, jack-ass, whatever word you prefer. I have never seen or heard someone that seems to have no idea he is such a tool. Get the F over yourself, your ego, your bragging, and your lame ass excuses that no one is buying. It was obvious on the show but after listening to (part of) your interview with Golfgal (nice blog btw), wow man, seriously wow.

Please lord don't let this guy be the next Omarosa and get famous for being such an oblivious piece of shit. Here's hoping you never amount to anything and fade into obscurity. Actually I'd rather you get a clue and get your head out of your ass.